Cove Sisters Create FamilyPosted by on May 06, 2017

As a child, I always wanted a sister. I am one of four children in my family, 3 of whom are boys. I always felt more comfortable around boys. When I was young I grew up playing games, sharing stories, and spending time with my brothers. I love each of them dearly and uniquely, they helped shape who I am today. There are certain facets of life that can only be shared with sisters and something special about sisterhood.

My three brothers all went to an all-boys camp in Maine. When it was my turn, there was never a doubt, I would be heading off to an all-girls summer camp. After careful consideration, I found myself signing up for Fernwood Cove. I was nervous and excited. What would this new journey bring for me? How would I connect with my bunk mates? Would I make friends?

My Camp Sister

Prior to the summer, I received my camp sister, my cove pal, and with her friendship, my fears began to melt away. As many of our parents know, sending your child off to camp for the first time can cause anxieties or nerves, which are all completely normal. You might be asking yourself, how do I prepare my daughter for camp? Having a camp sister, to reach out to, to ask questions to, was by far the most valuable tool I was given in my first summer.

When I arrived at camp, I already had one connection, and that connection was with someone who already embodied the Fernwood Cove spirit. On the first day of special events, we would have a cove pal morning. I spent the entire morning with my big sister, playing games and getting to know each other better. Most importantly, she was my big hug when I was feeling homesick and my tour guide if I was lost.

As I grew older, I relished the change to be a big sister, to pass on information and knowledge, share wisdom and advice, and be the big sister I had always wanted to be. As a Flamingo, you are given one of the youngest campers at camp, and the ability to truly impact a new camper’s summer. What makes a good cove pal? What makes a good big sister?

Your Cove Sisters

From my own experiences, as well as having the pleasure to witness hundreds of Cove Sisters at camp, here are a few pieces of advice. When you are a big sister, reach out to your little sister as soon as you find out who she is! Encourage your little sis to write down and ask questions. Build her excitement about the many facets of camp, and let her know how often you’ll see each other. Finally, as a big sister, you can make your little sister’s day by visiting her each night before Taps!

Last summer, we officially changed the name to Cove Sisters. After 18 years, we felt like there needed to be a change. And here’s why: it did not reflect the true intent of the program. Your Cove Sister is your camp sister, not just a casual friend, but rather a lifelong member of your family. She is someone you rely on, lean on, and love. I, for one, would not be the same without my cove sisters, and I know each of our campers share special memories and bond with their cove sisters as well.