Where to Stay
Where to Stay
Greenwood Manor Inn
52 Tolman Road
PH: (207) 583-4445
Email: info@greenwoodmanorinn.com
Web: www.greenwoodmanorinn.com
Portash Happiness Is B&B
Rt. 35, Cape Monday Road
PH: (207) 583-4095
Harmony Farm B&B
282 Maple Ridge Road
PH: (207) 583-4004
Bear Mountain Inn
364 Waterford Road
PH: (207) 583-4404
Email: innkeeper@bearmtninn.com
Web: www.bearmtninn.com
Waterford Inne
258 Chadbourne Road
PH: (207) 583-4037
Email: stay@thewaterfordinne.com
Web: www.waterfordinne.com
Wolf Cove Inn
5 Jordan Shore Drive
PH: (207) 998-4976
Email: info@wolfcoveinn.com
Web: www.wolfcoveinn.com
Bridgton House
6 Main Street, Rt. 302
PH: (800) 779-3335
Email: wberghoff@choate.edu
Web: www.bridgtonhouse.com
Highland Lake Resort
Rt. 302
PH: (207) 647-5301
Email: info@HighlandLakeResort.com
Web: www.highlandlakeresort.com
Noble House B&B
81 Highland Road
PH:(207) 647-3733, (888) 237-4880
Email: innkeepers@noblehousebb.com
Web: www.noblehousebb.com
Shawnee Peak
734 Mountain Road
PH: (207) 647-8444
Web: shawneepeak.com/dining/
The Pleasant View, Too
118 Sam Ingalls Road
PH: (207) 647-9578
Email: pve@roadrunner.com
Web: www.pleasantview2.com
Tarry-A-While Resort
17 Tarry-A-While Road
PH: (207) 647-2522
Web: www.tarryawhileresort.com
Denmark Stage House
476 East Main Street
PH: (207) 256-4422
Email: reservations@denmarkstagestop.com
Web: www.denmarkstagestop.com
Alyssa’s Motel
Rt. 302, 11 Roosevelt Trail
PH: (207) 655-2223
Email: alyssas@pivot.net
Web: www.alyssasmotel.com
Maplewood Inn & Motel
549 Roosevelt Trail
PH: (207) 655-7586
Email: info@shindamen.com
Web: www.shindamen.com
Migis Lodge
PH: (207) 655-4524
Email: migis@migis.com
Web: www.migis.com
Pleasant Lake House B & B
1024 Meadow Road, Route 121
PH: (207) 627-6975
Email: pleasantlakehouse@mac.com
Web: www.pleasantlakehouse.com
King’s Hill Inn
56 King Hill Road
PH: (207) 744-0204
Email: kingsinn@megalink.net
Web: www.kingshillinn.com
Augustus Bove House
11 Sebago Road
Corner Rt. 302 & 114
PH: (207) 693-6365, (888) 806-6249
Email: augbovehouse@adelphia.net
Web: www.naplesmaine.com
The Lakeview Inn
15 Lake House Road
PH: (207) 693-62269099, (800) 437-0328Email: info@lakeviewinnmaine.com
Web: www.lakeviewinnmaine.com
Lambs Mill Inn
131 Lambs Mill Road
PH: (207) 693-6253
Email: lambsmil@pivot.net
Web: www.lambsmillinn.com
Mollyockett Motel
1132 S Main Street
PH: (207) 674-2345
Email: info@mollyockettmotel.com
Web: www.mollyockettmotel.com
Grand Summit Hotel
Sunday River Resort
97 Summit Avenue
PH: (207) 824-3000 or (800) 523-2754
Web: www.sundayriver.com
Jordan Grand Hotel
Sunday River Resort
Grand Avenue
PH: (207)824-3000 or (800)523-2754
Web: www.sundayriver.com
Bethel Inn Resort
21 Broad Street
On The Common
PH: (207) 824-2175 or (800)654-0125
Web: www.bethelinn.com
The Sudbury Inn
151 Main Street
PH: (207) 824-2174
Email: info@sudburyinn.com
Web: www.thesudburyinn.com
The Oxford House Inn
548 Main Street
PH: (207) 935-3442
Email: innkeeper@oxfordhouseinn.com
Web: www.oxfordhouseinn.com
Admiral Perry Inn B&B
27 Elm Street
207 935-1269
Email: info@admiralpearyinn.com
Web: www.admiralpearyinn.com
One Thirty Three Main Street B&B
660 Main Street
207 935-7171 or (800) 295-2806
Email: innkeeper@mainstbandb.com
Web: www.mainstbandb.com
Handy Farm
254 West Fryeburg Road, Rt. 113
(207) 869-5289
Email: info@hardyfarm.com
Web: www.hardyfarm.com/contact
Sebago Lake Lodge & Cottages
White’s Bridge Road
PH: (207) 892-2698
Web: www.sebagolakelodge.com
Northeastern Motel
322 Roosevelt Trail
PH: (207) 892-4834
Web: www.northeasternmotel.com
Guest Houses at Pine Land Farms
16 Pineland Drive Suite 200
PH: (207)688-4162
Web: www.pinelandfarms.org
Westin Portland Harborview
157 High Street
PH (207) 775-5411
Web: www.westinportlandharborview.com
Embassy Suites Hotel
1050 Westbrook Street
PH: (207) 775-2200
Email: embassy@embassysuitesportland.com
Web: www.embassysuitesportland.com
Hampton Inn Airport
171 Philbrook Avenue
Phone: (207) 773-4400
Web: www.portlandhamptoninn.com
Hilton Garden Inn Airport
145 Jetport Blvd.
PH: (207) 828-1117
Web: www.hiltongardeninn.hilton.com
Hilton Garden Inn Downtown
65 Commercial Street
PH: (207) 780-0780
Web: www.hiltongardeninn.hilton.com
Holiday Inn By The Bay
88 Spring Street
PH: (207) 775-2311
Fax: (207) 761-8224
Email: sales@innbythebay.com
Web: www.innbythebay.com
West End Inn
146 Pine Street
PH: (207) 338-1377
Web: www.westendbb.com
Percy Inn
15 Pine Street
PH: (207) 871-7638
Web: www.percyinn.com
Portland Harbor Hotel
468 Fore Street
PH: (207) 775-9090
Email: ResMgr@harthotels.com
The Portland Regency Hotel
20 Milk Street
PH: (207) 774-4200 or (800) 727-3436
Email: conciergeprh@theregency.com
Web: www.theregency.com
Courtyard Marriott
321 Commercial Street
PH: (207) 780-6000
Web: www.marriott.com
Black Car & Cab Service
DMC Livery Service
Camp to Airport Service & More
PH: 207-576-4750
Web: dmcliveryservice.com
Maine Limousine Service
Limousine and Executive Car Service
PH: 800-646-0068
PH: 207-883-0222
Web: mainelimo.com
Limousine Service
Local Taxi Service
PH: 207-482-3778
Web: limoservicesinmaine.com
Oxford Hills Taxi Service
Local Taxi Service
PH: 207-743-7963
Services can be used if traveling from Portland to camp. Please note, we do not have UBER drivers in our area making return travel by Uber difficult.